Resources for Foster Parents

With fostering, comes lots of information! We have found that many foster parents are not aware of the local resources or some of the resources provided by DCYF. We have done our best to list those below. See something missing that you think others should know? Email us:


Pass Along Project

The Pass Along Project will deliver a weeks worth of clothing to foster families within 24 hours of placement. Contact them here.

The Closet

The Closet is part of Epping Lighthouse Ministries. You can “shop” for clothing and items free of charge. Contact the Closet to set-up a time.

Family Therapy

Foster parents and children in their care qualify for family therapy though Medicaid. It allows you and the children to work through challenging behaviors or circumstances together. Biological parents do need to give approval but do not attend these sessions.


Clothing Stipend through DCYF

You can contact your resource worker of CPSW for a one-time clothing stipend of $50 per child in your care. This can only be used once throughout the duration of the case. You can request this stipend at any time, even if the child has been in your home for several months. Items must be purchased and receipts. give to your worker for reimbursement.

Head Start and WIC

All foster children qualify for Headstart regardless of your income. You can apply at any time, but it will be dependent on availability. Foster children under 5 also qualify for Women, Infant and Children (WIC). This provides monthly food items including, eggs, milk, and fruit. Contact Goodwin health to set up an appointment.

Facebook Groups

There are several facebook groups for foster and adoptive families that provide support, show local events, and allow parents to swap items.

  1. Foster and Adoptive Virtual Closet

  2. Official NH- Foster and Adoptive parent association

  3. Nh seascoast/ foster and adoptive family support

Foster and Adoptive Resource Exchange

Strengthening foster, adoptive & kinship families with support for normalcy, education, and to create moments that matter. Learn more here

NH Foster and Adoptive Parent Association

The mission of the New Hampshire Foster & Adoptive Parent Association is to support foster families, adoptive parents and children, and kinship caregivers. NHFAPA seeks to remain a consistent strong voice on behalf of all children across the state of New Hampshire. Learn more here


Foster Care is HARD.

It cannot be done alone, it takes a village.